

Environmental Management System
INNOPIA have the International Standard Certification for Environmental Management System (ISO14001), which is a globally recognized standard comprising of well-defined plans, practices, reviews, and continuous improvement processes aimed at minimizing environmental impacts throughout the lifecycle of our operations, including purchasing, development, manufacturing, usage, and disposal.
Furthermore, we prioritize environmental education and training to enhance the environmental consciousness of our executives and employees. This approach enables us to effectively manage environmental risks, prevent accidents, and conduct thorough evaluations of our products' environmental impact.

Environmental Management System

Compliance with domestic and
foreign environmental regulations

Development of eco-friendly products

Maintaining an Eco-friendly
management system

Energy efficiency Management

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

Building a Greenhouse Gas Inventory

INNOPIA has been diligently collecting data since 2021 to accurately calculate greenhouse gas emissions, in response to global initiatives and the demands of various stakeholders. In 2022, we sought external consulting to ensure a more systematic approach. As a result, we established a comprehensive greenhouse gas inventory, meticulously gathering energy usage data for both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions within our organizational boundaries. To facilitate this process, we utilized a greenhouse gas calculation tool aimed at SMEs.


Recognizing the significance of addressing global climate change and meeting the environmental expectations of our key customers, INNOPIA is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions within our organizational boundaries by 60% by the year 2030, relative to our 2021 baseline. Moreover, we have set our sights on achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, emphasizing our long-term dedication to a sustainable future.

Scope 1&2 GHG emission reduction plan